Saturday, July 20, 2013

Life, Ugh!!

You guys, I know this is taking forever, and I apologize.

I think I'm going to change my approach to this whole 30-days challenge, and just do it as I go along. I had the intention of making exercises to go along with it, video, blog to go with it, etc. all ahead of time. What began as something I worked on hard, turned into life getting in the way (work, traveling, house chores, etc.)

With the looming reality of school approaching (and 6 classes this semester, yikes!), I've realized that I need to get on this now before it gets too late.

So be looking for the beginning of the challenge very soon!

Blessed be,

Friday, June 21, 2013

Taking forever!!

Hey guys!

Sorry it's been taking wayyyy too long to do all of this, plus I went out of town last weekend. Obviously not able to work on it then.

I'll definitely try to make some progress this weekend.
Happy blessed Litha!


Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Finished day 9, on to Day 10!

Hey everybody!

Finished days 7-9 this weekend. I'm hoping to get to 10-12 this week sometime. I'm going away this weekend, so may not get to it. Shooting for possibly last week in June-first week in July to start this challenge!!!

Though for most of you this won't be a challenge, but for others it will be.

Anyway thanks for watching and reading!
Blessed be,

Lunah Wolfspirit

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Completed days 4-6 today!!

Hello fellow bloggers!

Finished days 4-6 in the 30 day challenge. Leaves 24 days and exercises to go! Came up with some GREAT questions about Deity and the G/GDS that really had me thinking of my responses!

I can't wait to hear what your responses are to all of this :)

Anyway, gonna keep on trucking!!!

Much love and Blessed be,

Monday, May 27, 2013

Have you gone through your Year and a Day? If so, I'd love to hear from you! If not, I could use your input too!

Hey friends!

Well, I'm making some progress through making the lessons and exercises how I want them. Finished day 1 and 2 yesterday, but will probably add more to it.

For those of you who have gone through your Wiccan year and a day course, what sort of exercises did your Priest/Priestess have you do? Did they have you meditating for the first couple weeks, or something completely different like maybe a workbook? I know some traditions are sworn to secrecy, but ANY input would be very helpful as I do this.

I also wanted to note that unfortunately I'm having to refer to the internet for the majority of my research, so PLEASE correct me if I give invalid information or if you find another solution from a particular reputable author. If you submit this information, please make sure to include where you got it from (i.e. author, book, and passage or chapter it came from!) so that I can add it into my sources.

For those of you who have not gone through any type of study course, what would help you improve on your practice? What's something that you feel would help you in your magickal studies? What do you feel you could do more of? What do you feel your greatest strengths and weaknesses are in practicing Wicca?

Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thank you all so much for reading and blessed be!

Lunah Wolfspirit

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Preparing for the 30-Day Wicca Challenge

Hello and Merry Meet!

In preparation for this challenge, I wanted to make some suggestions.

First, I would suggest buying a journal to accompany you all during your 30-day challenge. I know I will be purchasing mine soon. While I have a Book of Shadows already, for this I'd like to start out fresh as I've never done anything quite like this before. It doesn't have to be a leather journal or something expensive. I know you can find cheap journals at Walmart or the dollar store for very reasonable prices, or even better use a journal you already have!

(Above: Composition notebooks are a great option for this challenge. You can see they range in design and color as well as price. I got mine from Walmart for only $2.47!)

Next, come into this with an open mind and be ready to explore Wicca on all levels: mentally, physically, and spiritually. All I'm asking you is to take 10-20 minutes a day to work on your daily exercise, and I promise you by the end of this we'll all come out stronger in our practice.

Please subscribe to my youtube channel for these lessons

Thank you all so much!

Lunah Wolfspirit

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Welcome to my blog, and Planning the 30 Day Wicca Challenge!

Hello, fellow bloggers and "youtubers", as well as other fellow Wiccans and Pagans!

I wanted to create a blog to go along with my videos in assistance with this 30-Day of Wicca Challenge. I created it for those of you who prefer to read along with the lessons of this challenge, and use it as a tool for your Books of Shadows perhaps.

I want to note first to everyone that I'm no expert, nor am I ordained in ANY particular tradition or path. I prefer to remain solitary for now until I can find a teacher that fits me. I live in a VERY Christian, remote town in Virginia, and I feel that until that situation changes, I must make do with what I have. Therefore, I have to turned to YOU, my fellow bloggers and v-loggers, for my inspiration and connections along my path and so forth.

I am still in the development stages of my 30-day Wicca Challenge, but have no fear for I will let you know ahead of time when I will be starting Day 1 in case you wish to follow along with me!! :)

So far, here is what I have for the breakdown:
“30-Days of Wicca” Challenge!

Day 1- What is Wicca?
Day 2- History of Witchcraft.
Day 3- The Wicca Rede, The Witch’s Pyramid, & 13 Goals of a Witch.
Day 4- What is deity?
Day 5- The Goddess
Day 6- The God
Day 7- What is ritual? What is the difference between a spell and a prayer?
Day 8- The Charge of the God and Goddess
Day 9- Altars & Tools
Day 10- The Book of Shadows
Day 11- Circle Casting, Energy Raising & Visualization
Day 12- What are the Elements?
Day 13- Element: Air
Day 14- Element: Fire
Day 15- Element: Earth
Day 16- Element: Water
Day 17- Element: Spirit
Day 18- What are sabots/Wheel of the Year? Esbats?
Day 19- Sabot: Imbolc
Day 20- Sabot: Ostara
Day 21- Sabot: Beltane
Day 22- Sabot: Summer Solstice
Day 23- Sabot: Lammas/Lughnasadh
Day 24- Sabot: Mabon
Day 25- Sabot: Samhain
Day 26- Sabot: Yule/Winter Solstice
Day 27- Divination
Day 28-Meditation
Day 29- Pantheons of Wicca, and Finding your Path

Day 30- Dedication Ritual/Honoring Ritual

(Edited 6.9.13)

If you all have ANY suggestions as far as the days go, or even the order they're in, I would love your input! Also, any great websites, books, or other sources for these topics would be great! I have some in my collection, but any book or website suggestions I can add to lessons would be great.

Thanks and Merry meet to all!

Lunah Wolfspirit