Sunday, May 26, 2013

Preparing for the 30-Day Wicca Challenge

Hello and Merry Meet!

In preparation for this challenge, I wanted to make some suggestions.

First, I would suggest buying a journal to accompany you all during your 30-day challenge. I know I will be purchasing mine soon. While I have a Book of Shadows already, for this I'd like to start out fresh as I've never done anything quite like this before. It doesn't have to be a leather journal or something expensive. I know you can find cheap journals at Walmart or the dollar store for very reasonable prices, or even better use a journal you already have!

(Above: Composition notebooks are a great option for this challenge. You can see they range in design and color as well as price. I got mine from Walmart for only $2.47!)

Next, come into this with an open mind and be ready to explore Wicca on all levels: mentally, physically, and spiritually. All I'm asking you is to take 10-20 minutes a day to work on your daily exercise, and I promise you by the end of this we'll all come out stronger in our practice.

Please subscribe to my youtube channel for these lessons

Thank you all so much!

Lunah Wolfspirit

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